Glasses, ceramics, and composites
Our mission
GLANCE (Glasses, Ceramics and Composites), is part of the Institute of Materials Physics and Engineering (IMPE) at DISAT (Department of Applied Science and Technology) of Politecnico di Torino (POLITO).
We prepare and characterize "custom" glasses, glass-ceramics and their composites, in the form of bulk-, joining-, coating-, porous- , thin films- and fibre-materials.
We develop and test custom joints, new joining technologies, joints for extreme applications and energy production (solar, SOFC and nuclear applications); protective coatings and sealant materials; bioactive glasses, glass-ceramics and composites, as coatings or bulk or porous materials; new surface treatments to enhance bioactivity and bioactivity of metallic materials; new glasses, thin films and fibers for photonics; recycling of vitrified and not vitrified wastes.
- Rivestimenti antivirali via co-sputtering
- New PREMUROSA project set to improve treatment of musculoskeletal disorders
- Virucidal effect against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 of a silver nanocluster/ silica composite sputtered coating
- J-TECH@PoliTO Advanced Joining Technologies : virtual tour
- Nextower EU project ( Standards and Innovation Award
- CEM-WAVE EU project
Contact Us
Monica Ferraris
Department of Applied Science and
Technology (DISAT) - Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino, ITALY
Tel: +39 011 0904687 (0904707), Fax: +39 011 0904699

A wide range of characterization techniques are available, together with the necessary expertise to discuss results and to propose solutions. Problem solving applied to materials is currently provided to companies and SMEs.
Custom hands-on training and teaching short courses are available: subjects are directly agreed with companies, research centers and SMEs. English, French and Chinese speaking researchers are currently available for lecturing and training.
GLANCE is core member of the European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials (
Open positions Positions as under-graduate student for final projects (tesi, in Italian) , post-graduate students, PhD grants, research grants are available on different subjects: please contact the responsible for each activity.
GLANCE is active part of the following Interdepartmental Research Centres (
- Ec-L - Energy Center Lab (
- CWC - CleanWaterCenter@PoliTo (
- PolitoBIOMed Lab - Biomedical Engineering Lab (;
- J-Tech - Advanced Joining Technology (
- PhotoNext (