Projects related to: Joining

Adhesive Joining and Disassembling of Alumina (Al2O3) – Steel

Adhesives joining for Ultra-Stable structures

Brazing of Mo to a CuZr alloy for the production of bimetallic materials for the CLIC accelerating structures (CERN)

Development and Characterisation of Dynamic Bi-phase Epoxy/Polyurethane Thermoset Composites with Enhanced Impact Resistance

ETCH: a new etching technique for better joined CFRP/GFRP performances

Glass-ceramic sealants for solid oxide cells

Irradiation stability of SiC-based joints for nuclear applications

Joining and coating of thermoelectrics

Joining and testing of alumina fibre reinforced oxide fiber reinforced/oxide fiber reinforced matrix composites (Ox/Ox CMC)

Joining metal matrix composites to aluminum alloys for lightweight car brakes

Joining of Al-Alloy facing skins to Al-foam to obtain Al-foam Sandwich Composites

Joining of Sandwich Structure

Joining of ceramic matrix composites (CSiC and SiCSiC)

Joining of monolithic ceramics (SiC, Alumina, Mullite)

Plasma surface treatment for ceramic and CMC surface modification

Reactive Metal (RM) wrap technology to join ceramic matrix composites (C/SiC and SiC/SiC)

SOLSTICE project, Sodium-Zinc molten salt batteries for low-cost stationary storage

Surface Modification and Joining of CMCs to Titanium Alloy

Surface engineering for ceramic and SiC/SiC joint improvement